Tàri-Nienna - Creative Log

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Need for approval

My sister had her baby girl on December 23, she is a cutie, I saw her yesterday. I gave her the dress and the baby cover, booties and hat kit. I was feeling weird about it, I talked to my Dad about my present over Christmas, before I see my sister and the way he told me "you made some crafts" I felt like it was not an adequate present to give to my sister. I have been given handmade presents (crocheted baby blankets mainly) to my friends who had babies and they all were very happy about it but I felt from my dad's comment that I should have been giving something else. I know that I am the one who is letting him make me feel like that but I guess I am still the little girl who is looking to get Daddy's approval. Anyway I give it to my sister and it is not for her, it is for Jasmine... did I say she is so cute and only a week old.